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Our OVERCOMER Coaching Services are designed to help Women to Start Your OVERCOMER Journey in just four week. Our Coaching Services are specifically tailored for Women who are looking to progress in life, but need to OVERCOME what is keeping them stagnated...This can be negative thoughts, self-doubt, issue from childhood, challenges of life, divorce, or anything else that is keeping you from being YOU! OVERCOMER Coaching Services are geared to help you do what God had called you to do..OVERCOME!


Our Services are personalized to help you Start Your OVERCOMER Journey to Healing and Breakthrough as you move forward, overcome challenges, and thrive to a happier and healthier YOU!


Our OVERCOMER Coaching Services are designed to help you create your desired OVERCOMER goals, develop OVERCOMER strategies, and help you maintain accountability as you Journey to your Healing and Breakthrough. ​



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Joi' Jno-Baptiste


I'm Coach Joi'! I am excited to help you Start Your OVERCOMER Journey to Healing and Breakthrough.
It is my goal to support you by using my professional and personal life experience, education, Biblical Principles and Biblical Scriptures. I offer a supportive, non-judgmental space where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without fear of criticism or shame.

I use comprehensive strategies to help you overcome limiting beliefs, build your self-confidence, and develop a positive mindset needed to start your Journey. As you Start Your OVERCOMER Journey, my goal is to help you gain clarity with your goals setting and develop an effective plan of action to accomplish your goals with confidence.

I am committed to offering individualized guidance and support to help you overcome challenges with confidence and clarity to maximize your success as you start your Journey.

Together, let's work to Start Your OVERCOMER Journey.

What Is Included: In The OVERCOMER  Coaching Services

Our Coaching Services are for Women who want to OVERCOME! I am currently Coaching Women who want to Start Their OVERCOMER JOURNEY to Healing and Breakthrough and Women who have difficulty sleeping at night (whether due to anxiety, depression, racing thought, etc.). 

In both programs, I work with Women to get to the root of what they need to OVERCOME and Coach Women through their process to OVERCOME. 

What We Offer

Welcome to our Coaching Services! We specialize in providing personalized strategies to help women navigate and conquer specific challenges in their lives. Our services include accountability, encouragement, motivation, problem-solving skills, active listening, and a judgment-free space for you to successfully overcome any obstacles. Let us help you develop resilience and a positive mindset to achieve your goals.

Benefits of Our Coaching Services

 Our OVERCOMER Coaching Services enables Women to:

  • Achieve Personal Growth

  • Increase Their  Confidence

  • Build Healthy Relationships

  • Break free from Self-Doubt and Negative Self-Talk

  • Build Resilience

  • Improve Communication Skills

  • Understand Your Healing Starts with You

  • Overcome Limited Beliefs

  • Develop a Positive Mindset

  • And More

What You Will Receive 

OVERCOMER Strategies

Learn OVERCOMER Strategies to help you successful Start Your OVERCOMER Journey.

OVERCOMER By God's Grace e-Book

Prepare to be Inspired, Uplifted and Encouraged as I take you through my personal OVERCOMER  Journey. 


Create a Roadmap to follow to use while on your Journey. 

OVEROMER BY God's Grace Workbook e-Journal

Journal Your Journey, tracking your daily goal, your outcome and your emotion in your ejournal. 


Start Your Journey with OVERCOMER Goals 

OVERCOMER Community               Membership

Join an impactful community full of women with on goal to OVERCOME.  Be encouraged and strenthened in this community. 


Cheryl M. 

"Our weekly sessions were timely and rewarding. Joi came prepared with fresh goals and objectives that encouraged heartfelt conversations. All of which led were reminders to focus on my purpose."

Marlene M. 

"Inspired, Enlightening, Creative, Knowledgeable, so many descriptive I can list of my experience of my 5 week Coaching Service with Ms Baptiste.She listened, was patient, encouraging and God sent in my journey to be my Best Self. Her youth is not an indicator of her God inspired wisdom. I Highly recommend her for anyone who has decided to begin their journey."

Francine W.

"I enjoyed my sessions. I was challenged and taught how to be a overcomer  with steps to follow and Joi to hold me accountable, to believe with expectation The Joy of the Lord is my strength(Joi)"

Start your OVERCOMER Journey with Motivation, Support, and Clarity 


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